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Your way to MENNEKES and your stay with us

Information for visitors

Text: Thank you for visiting us – welcome to MENNEKES! Below you will find the addresses of all buildings, detailed directions including suitable parking spaces as well as important information that you should take to heart when visiting our buildings.

Addresses and directions

Information for your stay with us

ID card for visitors

At the beginning of your visit you will receive your visitor's pass from us. Please wear this visibly at all times as it serves to identify you. Please return the badge at the end of your visit.

Please only move around on our factory premises and in our buildings when accompanied by our responsible MENNEKES employees.

Parking and speed limits

Designated visitor car parks are available at all locations (see diagrams above). Please only park in the marked areas.

A speed limit of 20 km/h applies throughout our premises - please adhere to this to avoid endangering yourself and other road users.

Charging your electric car

At all locations you will find plenty of designated visitor car parks with charging points where you can charge free of charge. At our location in Kirchhundem-Welschen Ennest you can charge directly via a QR code scan. At our location in Kirchhundem please inform your MENNEKES contact person in advance of your visit. You will then be assigned a suitable charging station.

Beware of transport and motor vehicles

Lorries, vans, forklift trucks and other vehicles are constantly on our factory premises and in our buildings. Please be aware of this, keep the driveways consistently clear (even with your car), always stay on the marked pedestrian paths and follow the instructions of your MENNEKES escorts during factory tours. This is for your own safety.

Ban on smoking, alcohol and intoxicants

Smoking is strictly prohibited on our premises and in all buildings. Please only smoke in the designated smoking areas.

The consumption of alcohol and intoxicants is strictly prohibited on our premises and in our buildings and will be penalised accordingly in the event of non-compliance.

Photography and filming

Photography and filming are strictly prohibited on our factory premises and in our buildings without express permission. If you would like to take photos, film or drone footage, please contact our Central Marketing/Press Office in advance and obtain permission.

Mobile IT devices in the company network

Please never connect IT devices and data carriers from outside the company to the company network – this is strictly prohibited for IT security reasons. Explicitly provided guest access for our network is of course excluded from this.

Please do not touch

Please do not touch machines, technical equipment and materials for our product solutions under any circumstances. This is also for your own safety.

Access prohibited

Visitors are not permitted in certain sensitive areas of the company. Please observe the relevant signs.

Behaviour in an emergency: emergency exits, assembly points and avoiding the lifts

Emergency exits and assembly points are clearly marked throughout the factory premises and in all buildings. Please observe these in an emergency and follow the instructions of your MENNEKES escorts.

In the event of an emergency alarm, please do not collect any personal belongings, but go directly to the assembly point.

In the event of a fire, please do not use our lifts under any circumstances. All buildings have a fire alarm system. In the event of danger, you will be prompted to leave the building immediately by an alarm sound (like a smoke detector).

First aid

In the event of a health emergency, please contact your MENNEKES companions immediately. Our factory premises and buildings are equipped with several first aid kits and defibrillators.

Video surveillance

We would like to point out that various areas of our premises are under video surveillance for security reasons.