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Low voltage

The term Low voltage refers to voltages of less than 50 V (alternating voltage) or 120 V (direct voltage) respectively, according to standard IEC 60449. Plugs, connectors and receptacles below 50 V do not require a protective conductor contact, and their clock positions are not standardised.

Due to the lack of a protective conductor contact in plugs and sockets with a rated current under 50 V, the connectors and receptacles are equipped with an earth nose and an auxilliary nose, the plugs have the corresponding grooves. The earth nose is always in clock position 6h. The position of the auxilliary nose depends on the rated voltage and frequency mentioned in table 208 and 209 from IEC 60309-2 (see below for more information). Contact bushings in receptacles and connectors with a rated current below 50 V have to be arranged according to IEC 60309-2.

Arrangement of the minor keyway for various voltages and frequencies

Clockface positions in accordance with table 208 from IEC 60309-2

Rated operating voltage V

Frequency Hz

Clockface position of keyway (major keyway = 6 o´clock)

20 to 25

50 and 60

no minor keyway

40 to 50

50 and 60


20 to 25


40 to 50

100 to 200



> 400 to 500









8 * for portable electrical incubators – use with 12 V or 24 V direct-current voltage in ambulances or helicopters.


Positions 1 and 9 are reserved for future standards. For design reasons, positions 5, 6 and 7 are not available for use.

Colour coding

If the rated operating voltage is indicated by a colour coding in addition to compulsory markings, such colour coding must be in accordance with IEC 60309-1:2023:

Rated operating voltage

Colour code


20 to 25 V



40 to 50 V



* RAL determined by MENNEKES, as in EN 60309-1:1999 no specification is provided for.

Our portfolio

On our product pages, you will find our connectors for low voltage.


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