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Documents for installers

Checklists and commissioning reports for download

Charging infrastructure is planned individually according to the client's requirements and the local conditions. All these situations pose different challenges, which MENNEKES meets with technical solutions and their professional execution from a single source.

Our checklists and reports provide installers, electricians and planners with practical assistance in their day-to-day work. As a specialist on site, the templates enable you to record and document all the important criteria item by item. If well planned, getting started with e-mobility and installing charging solutions will go without a hitch!

Configurations of external meters

These documents describe the connection of external meters to a MENNEKES charging station with MCU and ECU.

Commissioning report

This commissioning protocol applies to MENNEKES products with ACU, SCU, ECU, HCC3, CPX or MCU B.

Fault report

Download the protocol here to fill out in the event of a malfunction at a MENNEKES charging station.

Maintenance report

Here you will find a template for a maintenance report for all MENNEKES charging stations.